Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Today I am grateful for beautiful weather. I love to live in California, where the beautiful outdoors and sunshine can radiate and brighten my day. The kids can play outside, we can work and play and do the things we need to.

Goals, 2014

14 is my lucky number. It was my sports number and I have kind of passed that onto my kids! So it's the year 2014, so I'm thinking I should make this a great year! I need goals.  I realize that nothing gets accomplished unless I have a goal, and I write it down. So here is my brainstorming for this years goals.

1. Be grateful!
                           * Show gratitude for the things around me everyday and thank Heavenly Father. At least once a week, if not more, write a note, an email, etc to someone and thank them for something!

2. Read scriptures daily.
                           * Even if just one verse. Do it!

3. Pray on knees each night.

4. Eat healthier.

5. Exercise 3 x's a week.

6. Be a better mom.

                          * 8 touches, little thank you's, one on one conversations every day, love, gratitude, and patience. Teach with love.

7. Temple worship, 1-2 times per month

8.  Complain less.

                        *We all have things to complain about, but no one wants to hear about them!

9. Share my talents.

10. Be kind to me.

                          * This can be a hard one, we are always our worst critic. Be positive, and nice to not just others, but yourself !