Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Horrible Friend

I have this friend. She has a friend. That friend of hers is not a very good friend but she never realized it. See, this friend is always putting her down. She points out all of her flaws. She's overweight, she has a zit, her hair isn't long enough, her hair is kinda messy today, oh my goodness you need more sleep, why are you so lazy, is it that hard to get to the gym? You really need to start a diet, you pig you just ate a huge spoonful of Nutella! I mean 3. You really could be a better mom, stop being so impatient and play with your kids, you kitchen is always a mess, can't you get your kids to go to bed by themselves? Why are you going to school, you are just going to fail. You get too stressed. You can't handle it. You're not good enough. So and so is so much prettier than you. You should be like her. Oh the list could go on and on and on, but this friend never has anything nice to say. Who wants a friend like that?!?!?!

I am sad to admit that that friend is me. I would never say anything like that to anyone though. The problem is, that is ALL I say to myself. All day. Every time I look in the mirror. Why do we do that to ourselves? 

I for one don't want this friend anymore. It's depressing, and very hard on the self esteem. We all know that it is positive reinforcement that motivates us to be better. So why do we do this to ourselves? 

Next time you look in the mirror, be a good friend. Tell that awesome girl looking back at you that she is beautiful. That she has so much to offer. That's what I see in my friends, and that's what I would tell them. Why can't we be a good friend to ourselves? After all, this friend is with us 24 hours a day.

Let's be good friends to ourselves. See what happens.

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